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Re: Smart Fine Print

Michael Brennen writes:
>On Tue, 9 Jul 1996, William Perry wrote:
>> Michael Brennen writes:
>> >Just edit the cookies.txt file to be empty (or delete it and touch it),
>> >then set the read only attribute on the file. I wish I could say this is
>> >cleverly ingenious of me, but it is not.  I picked it up from someone
>> >else, and it works.  I went to doubleclick.net and ran around -- with nary
>> >a cookie set.  They may keep other info, but cookies seems rather critical
>> >to their scheme.
>>  Most cookie implementations do not try to write to the cookies.txt file
>> until you _EXIT_ the application - they are still floating around in
>> internal storage and will be sent during THAT session.
>cookies.txt was clear after Netscape was closed -- still is.  The cookies
>won't be remembered across sessions, and it was my understanding that this
>is what doubleclick's scheme depended on.  They need the cookies laying
>around to know what they think I want to see next.  Have I missed

  My point was that this might protect you against doubleclick's scheme
(possibly, would have to see their code to know exactly, and that's not
very likely :), but not against all possibly nasty/sneaky/rude uses of
cookies out there, especially if you keep your browser running for a long

-Bill P.

PS: snide comment about certain browsers being able to run a long time left
    out. :)
